Thursday, November 29, 2012

White Tail Deer Encounter

This buck stopped by while I was watching some birds. I sat down when I heard him coming with the hope that I could get a picture of him. It turned out that he didn't get scared of me and I got a few more shots of him.

At this point the he was about 10 feet away. I had my 150-500mm Sigma lens on the camera as I was trying for some bird shots. I started to get nervous when he got within 5 feet of me.
 I lifted my head from behind the camera and waved to the deer and I figured he would spook and run. Nope. He just looked at me as if to say,"I'm not scared." Slowly he turned and walked away.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Northern Shrike

This medium size song bird is actually a preditor. It will catch smaller birds, insects, snakes and other such critters.  Then it will impale the catch onto barb wire or a cactus spine and come back in a day or two and eat it.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunset photos from 10-5-12

These three pictures are all taken this evening. We have been having some amazing sunsets and sunrises lately. So I thought I would share these latest few.